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Sept. 21, 2024

Fasting Techniques for Weight Loss and Performance Optimization

Fasting Techniques for Weight Loss and Performance Optimization

Are you looking to enhance your weight loss journey or optimize your athletic performance through fasting techniques? This article examines additional fasting methods not addressed in the Know Your Platform Podcast's episode on fasting. Let's explore the 5:2 Diet, Alternate-Day Fasting, and LeanGains for effective weight loss and high performance.

Weight Loss Options: 5:2 Diet and Alternate-Day Fasting

5:2 Diet

• Eat regularly for 5 days a week

• Reduce calorie intake to 600 calories per day for 2 days

Alternate-Day Fasting

Rotate between regular eating days and 600-calorie days


•Reduced calorie intake

•Effective weight loss

•Improved insulin sensitivity

Important Note:

These methods may not be suitable for athletes due to insufficient calorie intake for optimal training.

Key Considerations:

Caloric restriction may impact athletic performance

•Insufficient energy for intense workouts

•Potential impact on muscle mass and recovery

Alternative Options for Athletes:

• Consult a sports dietitian for personalized guidance

• Explore other intermittent fasting methods (e.g., 16:8)

• Focus on balanced nutrition and portion control

Disclaimer: Remember to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or fasting regimen.


LeanGains: Time-Restricted Eating for High Performers

Timed-restricted eating, also known as LeanGains, is an ideal approach for high performers looking to optimize their health and performance.

• Eat within an 8-hour window

• Consume the same caloric intake as usual


• Improved insulin sensitivity

• Enhanced autophagy

• Increased human growth hormone (HGH) production

• Reduced inflammation

• Improved mental clarity and focus

Getting Started:

1. Fast for at least 12 hours per day to reap the benefits

2. Choose an 8-hour eating window that suits your lifestyle

3. Prioritize nutrient-dense foods

4. Stay hydrated during fasting periods

5. Adjust your eating window as needed for training and daily activities

Training and Timing:

• Train during the fasting period if preferred

• Time your workouts after eating for optimal performance

• Listen to your body and adjust training timing accordingly

• Adjusting to Time-Restricted Eating:

• Eliminate late dinner reservations

• Avoid snacks at evening events

• Stay mindful of timing before morning workouts

Common Challenges:

• Social pressures

• Emotional eating triggers

• Cravings for unhealthy snacks

Overcoming Obstacles:

• Communicate your eating schedule with friends and family

• Find healthy alternatives for emotional eating

• Stay focused on your health and performance goals

• By implementing time-restricted eating, you can experience improved physical and mental well-being.

 Eating Windows and Training Times for Athletes and High Performers 

Schedule 1: 8am-6pm Eating Window

• 8am-6pm: Eating period

• 6pm-8am: Fasting period

Training options:

• Train fasted at 7am (before breakfast)

• Train post-meal at 12pm

• Train post-snack at 4pm

Schedule 2: 10am-8pm Eating Window

• 10am-8pm: Eating period

• 8pm-10am: Fasting period

Training options:

• Train fasted at 9am (before breakfast)

• Train post-meal at 2pm

• Train before ending fasting period at 6pm

In both schedules, training sessions are tailored to individual energy levels and preferences to ensure optimal performance. Start implementing these fasting techniques today to achieve your weight loss and high-performance goals!


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We humbly request you to respect our efforts. If you wish to use this content, kindly give full credit to Know Your Platform as the source, adhering to copyright laws. Unauthorized use or reproduction infringes upon our rights which is a breach of copyright regulations.

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