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Nikki Murray

Nikki Murray Profile Photo

Lyme disease survivor/dōTERRA Wellness Advocate

I was born in Langley AFB, Virginia and spent the first part of my childhood at Edwards AFB in California (hello military brat). My dad got orders for Florida when I was 8 and then we moved to the Panhandle where I grew up. I went to college at FSU and then worked for the government as a supervisor and counselor at the Florida Abuse Hotline for about 9 years. Now I am a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate certified in the Aromatouch Technique. If my health ever improves enough, I hope to go back to school and get my massage therapy license sometime in the future. My hobbies are songwriting, playing the guitar and doing martial arts. I have a black belt in Karate but also study Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido and Krav Maga. I have struggled with mental health challenges since I was a teenager (which is when I began cutting myself). My first suicide attempt was during my freshman year of college. I was bitten by an infected tick in my senior year of college and started becoming physically ill my first year working at DCF. By the time I was diagnosed with Lyme disease it had taken over my body and I was in the latest, chronic stage. I’ve been through various antibiotic treatments, including Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and PICC line vancomycin therapy during which time I was totally bed-bound for several months. I became so ill that I had to step down from a management position at my job and eventually had to leave my career behind completely. It was hard because I never expected to become one of the vulnerable people whom I went into that job to serve and protect. I had to move back home and reside with family in order for them to help me with activities of daily living. Despite medical advice to get on disability, I attempted to keep working smaller jobs but kept getting sicker. It got to the point where I couldn’t work at all and had to fight for several years to get on disability. Thanks to a wonderful attorney, I was finally able to get on disability last year. My Medicare card and first disability payment arrived two days before I ended up in the hospital. When I got out my anxiety was so bad that I had to have a home healthcare psychiatric nurse for several months and was afraid to even leave the house. After nearly dying twice, I surrendered my life to Jesus and it was the best decision of my entire life. Earlier this year I found a good church and received deliverance during one of the services. I haven’t had any suicidal ideations or urges to self-harm ever since then. Christ did what no psychologist or medication ever could do. I went from being afraid to be around other people to being able to stand up in a theater this April, offer to pray for people after a movie and being able to be used by the Holy Spirit to cast demons out of them. Now I live a very disciplined life and am thankful for the continual support I have from my family and friends. Without their assistance, I would not be able to make it through each day. I still have many physical and mental limitations but am slowly able to start getting my life back. I am focused on self-care clean eating, exercising when I am able and utilizing essential oils and natural supplements to improve my overall health. If it were not for God I would be dead and I am so grateful for this opportunity to glorify and thank Him. As far as mental health goes, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a support system and to make God the central figure of it. For anyone going through the thick of it, know that the Lord will do what no one else can and He will never leave you. He is the ultimate physician and counselor. The Holy Spirit is truly a gentleman, so Jesus will stand at the door and knock, but you have to be the one to let Him in.