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Woke up to the truth

Ugh, I'm still trying to process everything I've been through. David and Jeremiah, your conversation about how our past hurts can lead us into similar relationships... it's like you were talking directly to me. I grew up with parents who were absolute monsters. They were emotionally and physically abusive, and I thought I'd never escape that cycle. But I did, or so I thought. Fast forward to my adult life, and I found myself in relationship after relationship with people who were eerily similar to my parents. Controlling, manipulative, and downright cruel. And I couldn't figure out why I kept attracting these people into my life.It wasn't until I heard your conversation that it hit me, I was trying to fix my past by replaying it in my relationships. What a messed up thing to do, right? I'm so angry with myself for not seeing this sooner. I'm angry that I let these people into my life, that I gave them power over me. And I'm disappointed that I didn't recognize the signs sooner. But I'm also grateful. Grateful that I finally understand what's been going on, grateful that I can start working on myself and breaking free from this cycle.

Aug. 18, 2024 by Ethan Patel- Salt Lake City, Utah on This Website

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